
December 7, 2023 marks 12 years since I had a cigarette. This is thanks to vaping. I have been vaping for 12 years. Before that I smoked a pack a day. 

I switched to vaping 12 years ago. I am a vaper. My family and my doctors are pleased. My body is pleased. Giving up cigarettes and switching to vaping made my insides feel "cleaner". And my clothes, and breath, don't stink. And, maybe best of all, I save a lot of money. Regarding the cost of cigarettes vs my vaping I now save about $300 a month by vaping. 

I now vape using a Smok Solus. It is a terrific starter device; simple, high quality, reasonable priced. Yes, it took me a few days to get used to using the pod system but now it's easy, fun, satisfying and saves me $300 a month.

Yes, a glowing and honest endorsement of the product.


A while later I wanted to submit this blog/blog post to become an affiliate of Smoktech, the makers of my Smok vape. I was instructed to submit to their affiliate manager, LinkConnector. I did. A while after that I was informed that, "After reviewing your application to the LinkConnector Affiliate Network, we decided to decline your application. LinkConnector approves applications for fully functional sites that also contain unique content. If your site is not fully functional or lacks unique content please consider updating your site. Once you have done so, email us and we will review your site and reconsider your original application." What? They REJECTED A blog I started in 2009. The blog YOU are on right now.

I then sent this email to Smoktech management: "Apparently,  LinkConnector does not appreciate good writing and 100% unique content. Or, if their issue is with my site functionality, I pay Google to host this blog/site, and my other sites, and have done so for many years". 

I have not heard a word back from them.

So, I have been treated unfairly, professionally insulted and am not an affiliate. The Smok product is good, it's maker and affiliate manager not so much.