It's November 21, 2017, 2 days before Thanksgiving. In Los Angeles, where I live, it is 86 degrees outside. And, yes, the sun is out. And, yes, I just turned on the air conditioner.
Tomorrow, the day before Thanksgiving, it will be 94 degrees in L.A. And sunny. On Thanksgiving Day, it is forecasted to be 90 degrees here. And sunny.
Other cities' weather for Thanksgiving Day:
In New York City, on Thanksgiving, it is forecasted to be 46 degrees.
In Chicago, on Thanksgiving, it is forecasted to be 7 degrees.
In Fairbanks, Alaska, on Thanksgiving, it is forecasted to be 1 degree.
On Thanksgiving Day, what will I be thankful for? What do you think?
And, on New Year's Day, it was 73 degrees. Brrr.